Over the course of the last month, I have been working on my most ambitious project to date. Comprised of 2 canvases and one cube, this project spans 379 square feet of painted space. All of the pieces were created in a free-form fashion - that is, I did not pre-plan any of the art, I just painted as the images came to me. Working like this is very freeing - to not have any constraints on what I paint or how I paint I think makes the work far more fun to look at for the viewer and in the end, it is a lot more fulfilling for me as an artist. The photo above was shot by the always awesome John Schulz with Studio Schulz in San Diego. After John shot my last painting, which came in at 178 square feet, I explained to him that for the next project, I wanted it to be at least twice as big. I told him I intended to create 2 new paintings that would come in at around 180 square feet each, but that I also wanted a painted object in the "room" with me. He just happened to have a great big cube in his studio just waiting to be be covered in art : ) So, I painted two large scale canvases and one cube - the idea being to fully saturate the space with my art and in essence, give the viewer a glimpse into what it is really like in the mind of an artist. Or at least, in the mind of this artist.. Below are some in progress shots that were taken by Josh Joslin as I worked on each component:

Both of the canvases used were approximately the same size - below are photos of each completed piece. The top piece served as the wall and bottom piece served as the floor in all of the studio shots:
We had a lot of fun setting up the pieces in the studio, trying various angles. We wanted to show the expanse of the project while still keeping the focus on the purpose of the project. Below are some additional photos from the shoot, all shot by John Schulz:
At the end of the day, we hung the painting that was initially the ground piece upright so that it could be shot. And here was the last photo taken that day:
Stay tuned for more rock and roll - cheers! : )